
Antigua & Barbuda

Known for its lush tropical climate, the Eastern Caribbean island of Antigua and Barbuda is an inviting lifestyle. With rich-culture heritage & lush greenery, Antigua & Barbuda is the 9th largest country in the Caribbean to accept dual citizenship among 85 countries in the world.

The English-speaking two-island state lying in the Eastern Caribbean, Leeward Island is a preferred tourist destination, commonly called ‘Land of 365 Beaches’.

Offering a wide range of natural attractions including a variety of land leisure and water activities along with null inheritance or capital gains tax, and no foreign-sourced income tax rather relies on sales and corporation taxes, benefiting hugely in business & taxation.



  • Capital: St. John’s
  • Population: 97,000+
  • Area: 440 Km Square (172 sq mi)
  • Languages: English, Antiguan Creole
  • Economy: Tourism Based
  • GDP- 2019 estimate (PPP): 2.731 Billion USD
  • GDP- 2019 estimate (nominal): 1.717 Billion USD
  • Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar
  • Driving Side: Left
Antigua & Barbuda Requirements

The key requirements of Citizenship-by-Investment are:

Program- 1 Real Estate Investment

USD 200,000 (5 years holding period)
The purchase of real estate with a minimum value of USD 200,000 from a pre-approved real estate project. A joint investment can be made by two applicants with each applicant investing a minimum of USD 200,000 in order to qualify.

Program- 2 Contribution to the National Development Fund (NDF)

Contribution is non-refundable
Single Applicant: USD 100,000
Applicant, Spouse and two children: USD 100,000
Family of 5 or More: USD 125,000

Program- 3 Contribution to the University of West Indies Fund (UWI)

Contribution is non-refundable
Family of 6: USD 150,000
Family of 7 or More: USD 150,000+

Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Advantages

  • Visa- free movement to 150+ countries including Hong Kong, Singapore, the UK, and Europe’s Schengen area
  • Antigua and Barbuda are accepting dual citizenship.
  • Free worldwide tax income.
  • Irrecoverable lifetime citizenship.
  • A most affordable option for families.
  • Well-established lifestyle destination in the Caribbean.
  • Developed expatriate community.
  • Reducing the risk of property value depreciation, Real Estate investment can be resold in 5 years and qualify a new purchaser for citizenship.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Should not be from restricted country
  • Need to have the minimum investment amount
  • Should meet the due diligence
  • Should not have a criminal record
  • Should be of sound health
  • Should be 18+
  • Applicants would need to stay for a minimum of 5 days in the 5 years of time frame since the application is applied.
  • With a minimum of USD200,000, applications from related parties can make a joint investment

Process of Application with Ad Astra

Step 1 - Choose an Investment Option

Ad Astra pre-screens your passport copy for government pre-approval. To open your application, a down payment of the professional fees is required. After the payment, you will be notified of the response within 24-48 hours.

Step 2 - Documentation

Ad Astra’s professional team will assist you with the documents required with respect to the Government checklist.

Step 3 - Application Submission

The application and due diligence fees are submitted together.

Step 4 - Approval Receipt

Based on the due diligence report issued to the Government it makes the decision on your Citizenship application. You are invited to pay the donation or investment then.

Step 5 - Passport & Citizenship Approval

After the above processes, a citizenship certificate and passport are issued.

Apply Now!

    Antigua & Barbuda Citizenship-by-investment Act

    The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Program is among the top-rated countries for obtaining new citizenship and a second passport from an alternative country. With parliamentary approval of the country, the Citizenship by Investment Program was established in Section 6 of the Citizenship by Investment Act, 2013. The amendment in 2014 is compounded by the Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship by Investment Regulations.