

Dominica established its citizenship-by-investment program to boost its venture in 1993. The Commonwealth of Dominica is the popular global tourist hotspot as hiking and diving heaven among world travelers. With the population of English, French, Carib & African culture folks, Dominica is the most economically sustainable country with a minuscule rate of crime.

A mixed bag of Caribbean vibes, gorgeous beaches, and a vivacious lifestyle, Dominica is known for its finest transportation system. By preserving 25% of their land as national parks, reserves & sanctuaries, this country has earned the title of ‘The Nature Island of the Caribbean”.



  • Capital: Roseau
  • Official Language: English
  • Population: 75,000
  • Total Area: 750km2
  • GDP: $810 Million
  • Visa-Free Countries: 130+
  • Passport Rank: 34th
  • Currency: East Caribbean Dollar tied to USD
Dominica Requirements

The key requirements of Citizenship-by-Investment are:

Program- 1 Real Estate Investment

USD 200,000 (5 years holding period)
Invest a minimum of USD 200,000 in government-approved real estate development.

Program- 2 Contribution to the Economic Diversification Fund

Contribution is non-refundable
Single Applicant: USD 100,000
Applicant and Spouse: USD 150,000
Applicant, Spouse and two children: USD 175,000

Dominica Citizenship Advantages

  • Visa-free travel to 130+ countries including Hong Kong, Europe’s Schengen Area, the UK, Singapore, and many others
  • For the future generation, citizenship-by-descent is available
  • Recognized Dual Citizenship
  • Corporate tax incentives
  • Duty-free trading in the Caribbean
  • Once granted, lifetime citizenship is irrevocable

Eligibility Criteria

  • Should not be from restricted country
  • Need to have the minimum investment amount
  • Should meet the due diligence
  • Should not have a criminal record
  • Should be of sound health
  • Should be 18+

Process of Application with Ad Astra

Step 1 - Choose an Investment Option

Ad Astra pre-screens your passport copy for government pre-approval. To open your application, a down payment of the professional fees is required. After the payment, you will be notified of the response within 24-48 hours.

Step 2 - Documentation

Ad Astra’s professional team will assist you with the documents required with respect to the Government checklist.

Step 3 - Application Submission

The application and due diligence fees are submitted together.

Step 4 - Approval Receipt

Based on the due diligence report issued to the Government it makes the decision on your Citizenship application. You are invited to pay the donation or investment then.

Step 5 - Passport & Citizenship Approval

After the above processes, a citizenship certificate and passport are issued.

Apply Now!

    Citizenship-by-investment Act in Dominica

    In the Dominica regulations, the Citizenship-by-Investment Program is published pursuant to Section 8 and 20 (1) of the citizenship act and Section 101 of the Constitution. This act guarantees the eligibility for applying for naturalization and is eligible to attain citizenship after the payment of the prescribed fees.

    Applicants having criminal records will not receive the second citizenship of Dominica. Since 1991, the Dominica Economic Citizenship Program is guaranteed by the Government and it is a legal naturalization program based on the law. Once granted, the Dominica citizenship can not be withdrawn, even if there are changes in the Dominica governmental policy or the officials, it is for a lifetime.