Legal Disclaimer

Ad Astra ensures that every effort has been made to keep the website updated with correct, latest and up-to-dated information. However we cannot accept any obligation or responsibility legitimately or otherwise, for any mistake or oversight.

All information mentioned on this website is only for general knowledge purpose and should not be considered any form of legal or professional advice. Ad Astra takes no responsibility for any misrepresentation or loss arising from relying on the website content or material for whatsoever reason. We do not take any guarantee, express or implied with reference to any mentioned product or service in any country.

Any material or content on this website should not be the form of decision making or choosing any particular program over the legit professional advice given to the individual. Information mentioned online is only general purpose and should not be implied as legal or professional advice.

Ad Astra takes no responsibility for any content or information linked or referred from these pages. Any query or question for these links should be inquired with Ad Astra. We are not liable for any claim arising due to damage caused by use of any information provided, complete or incomplete.

Any proposal or information on this website should not be assumed or interpreted as an offer, advice, consultation or recommendation regarding any investment product or service in any means whatsoever. We highly advice to get an independent professional advice before concluding or making any decision about the contribution or investment options for either residency or citizenship programs.

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