Terms & Conditions

The client has hired Ad Astra IRC, (hereafter referred as Ad Astra) for their professional service and to prepare and submit application on client’s behalf.

The client permits Ad Astra in complete consent to rake any legitimate and necessary steps in submission and representing the case.

Client agree to provide all necessary and requested information pertaining but not limited to personal, financial or any other said matters. Any additional information requested by officials should be supplied by client to best of their knowledge.

Client consents to fully cooperate with Ad Astra’s staff in regards to collection of information required for their family members.

Client needs to suffice all required documents, forms, government fee, Ad Astra professional fee (if any remaining) etc within 60 days of initial payment.

Client by signing the service agreement in its discretion confirms the services rendered by Ad Astra at the time of registration, and is aware that the initial fee paid is not refundable for any reason whatsoever.

Service as below:

  • Executive advice and consultation
  • Reviewing qualifying criteria of client and providing initial counseling accordingly
  • Explaining application procedure and requirements
  • Assisting, reviewing, collection and submission of required documents

Ad Astra or the client has complete right to take any unsolved disputes to Dubai Court, if the matter was not resolved mutually.

Refund policy

Any refund applicable will be processed by original mode of payment only, along with below conditions in addition to client consented service agreement and Refund clause:

  • Client is aware and has consented that once client’s application has been submitted to the government authority, Ad Astra professional service fee, government fee and any additional fee paid by the client will not be refunded for whatsoever reason including success or rejection of the application.
  • However if rejection outcome of the application is negligence or willful mistake on Ad Astra’s part, Ad Astra will retain only the retainer amount as agreed on the service agreement, and the rest professional fee shall be refunded to client.

Any refund to be processed will be subject to administrative terms and conditions which can delay or intercept Ad Astra from paying the same. Additional information might be requested by Ad Astra to proceed with the refunds.

Ad Astra IRC reserves all the right.