
United States of America

With a vast array of economic opportunities, a highly multicultural and diverse population, and a desirable passport in the world, the US remains the popular most destination for business immigrants.

In terms of land area, it is the fourth-largest in the world consisting of fifty states. Benefitting from the advanced technology market and a pro-business government, the country’s economy is a leader amongst first-world countries.

From providing free education to free healthcare services, the USA offers various facilities to its citizens. Being one of the safest countries to live in, the USA has earned a well-deserved reputation around the world. To bolster the economic growth of the country, the USA has always welcomed skilled people as their citizens.



  • Capital city: Washington D.C.
  • Visa-free countries: 160 (for citizens)
  • Total area: 9,833,517 km²
  • Languages: English
  • Currency: United States Dollar
  • Population: 326,625,791 (2017)
USA Requirements

The key Residency by Investment Requirements

There are various methods to attain permanent residence in the USA. The most popular are economic programs:

Option 1 - EB-5 Investor Programme

The USA EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program contains two investment options.
A minimum of USD 1.8 million investment in a new commercial enterprise is a must.

An investment of USD 500,000 in a targeted employment area.

Option 2 - E-2 Treaty Investor Visa Programme

Under this investment scheme, applicants are allowed to invest and do business in the US attaining all the benefits and flexibility of a resident. Applicants must:

  1. Create or invest in a US company
  2. Be a citizen of the USA E2 treaty country
  3. A substantial investment of at least USD 100,000

This programme does not lead to citizenship. However, the investor may renew an E-2 visa if the business remains qualified for the programme.

USA Advantages

  • Freedom to live and work in any US state
  • No language requirement
  • No education requirement
  • Minimal residency requirement
  • Dependent children below 21 also receive residency status
  • World-class education & healthcare

Eligibility Criteria

    • Applicants must be at least 21
    • Proof of net worth and legal source of assets is a must
    • Should have no criminal records
    • The client must have the required Funds
    • Must pass a medical test

Process of Application with Ad Astra

Step 1 - Passport pre-screening by Ad Astra

Ad Astra pre-screens your passport copy for government pre-approval. You will be notified of the response within 24-48 hours. Ad Astra’s team will meet you to decide the adequate approach based on your specific case.

Step 2 - Execution, Initial Down payment

To open your application, a down payment of the professional fees is required. After the payment, you will be notified of the response within 24-48 hours for the execution process.

Step 3 - Documents

Ad Astra will guide and advise regarding the collection of required documents and checklist for the USA Visa Application. The first decision regarding the application and pre-approval of your application process is completed once the due diligence check is finalized.

Step 4 - Online Application and Embassy Appointment

The National Visa Center (NVC) will then approve the application file after 4-6 months and proceed to the U.S. Embassy. Later, you need to apply for a U.S. visa in your Native country.

Step 5 - Final Boarding

After receiving the visa you must enter the U.S. within 6 months to obtain your conditional Green Card. For an unconditional Green Card affirmation and removal of the Conditional Status, you need to file a petition after 21 months.

Apply Now!

    Legal Basis

    Section 203(b)(5) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), allocates 10,000 “EB-5” immigrant visas per year to qualified individuals seeking Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status on the basis of their capital investment in a commercial enterprise. The EB-5 regulations may be found at 8 CFR 204.6 and 8 CFR 216.6, respectively.